- How do I Submit my Work to The Jane Project?w
- What are the Submission / Comment / Moderation / Political / Thread Guidelines?
- Can I Submit / Comment / Participate Anonymously?
- Where Should I Submit Ideas and Feedback for The Jane Project?
How do I Submit my Work to The Jane Project?
Please submit anything you feel is reflective of your female experience. Visual art, poetry, stories, spoken word audio recordings, even music are all accepted and very much encouraged. We are not concerned with your political leanings. We do not pander to one side or another, and submitted materials dealing in politics will receive closer scrutiny than others.
Not everything submitted will be posted. Please submit only your own work for publication. If you think something is inspiring and that other women should read it, send us a link to it or a description of it and we'll consider using it to generate a post.
We have established several different methods of submission/contact:
Completely Anonymous Submissions and Contact: Use the web-form link on the left nav bar. The web form requires the user to use an e-mail address. Use our address, (jane.doe.admin[at]gmail.com), instead of yours if you require complete anonymity, even from us, the admins. Please note that completely anonymous contact/submission method gives us no way of knowing who you are or contacting you for editing/questions regarding submissions.
Pseudo-Anonymous Submissions and Contact: Use the web-form with your own e-mail address, use the e-mail link immediately under the web-form link, or e-mail us directly (jane.doe.admin[at]gmail.com). This contact/submission method lets us, the admins, know who you are and contact you for editing/clarification purposes regarding your submission. If you do not want your identifying information published, or if you want to publish pseudonymously, just tell us how you'd like to be credited. Many of our submissions have been submitted with identifying information but published without it.
Anonymous Commenting: We've received feedback that commenting anonymously is onerous because readers don't have/want Google IDs, etc. We think there may be some confusion on anonymous commenting because it's actually quite easy.
When the "Comments" link is clicked, a pop-up window appears in which the comment is typed. At the bottom of that window are 4 radio buttons: Google ID, OpenID, Name/URL, and Anonymous. Commenters wishing anonymity can just click the [Anonymous] radio button, type a captcha (avoids automated comment spam), and click [Publish Your Comment].
(See also Can I Submit / Comment / Participate Anonymously? below.)
What are the Submission / Comment / Moderation / Political / Thread Guidelines?
Submission Guidelines: Submit by e-mail or web form anything you feel is characteristic of the female experience. Writing, artwork, spoken word, multimedia, and music are all welcome. If you're in doubt about the “quality” of your contribution, submit it! If we need to work with you before posting your work, we will.
Comment Guidelines: The goal of TJP is to provide a safe environment for women to voice their thoughts, dreams, experiences, failures, baggage, etc. A "safe" environment does not include aggression, intimidation, name-calling, sniping, jealousy, intentionally inflammatory provocation, insults, incivility, or other negativity. We understand that emotions can run high, we're human, too. If you're passionate about a topic, please draft your comment/submission and revisit it the next day in an effort to see your own attitude through fresh eyes.
Why we Moderate Submissions and Comments: Unlike submissions, we cannot edit comments. We can only moderate on a Pass/Fail basis, i.e. a specific comment is in or it's out. If we deny your comment, it's because we don't think that it meets the Comment Guidelines above. The admins will always discuss with each other any comment denial to be sure said denial is not a one-person-in-a-bad-mood error. We're asking everyone to please keep comments civil, per the Comment Guidelines. Though we cannot edit comments, we can edit e-mails, so you can comment by e-mail if in doubt (just tell us which submission you're commenting on and whether or not you want your identifying information included). We will either then post your comment as-is or contact you regarding questionable content and ask you to re-draft it if necessary. Our goal is not to censor your speech but to be sure that no one is overtly attacked once they've let their guard down in the spirit of TJP. Honesty and discussion, even if it's occasionally heated discussion, is our goal.
Political Guidelines: We initially advised that submissions of a political nature would be fine-toothed and bear a heavier burden than non-political submissions. Our initial concern was that political items tend to divide, devolving into shouting matches and flame wars that end in insults, while the goal of TJP is just the opposite. Through several discussions, we've begun to consider opening our horizons a bit more on this topic because so many of the issues that concern women have important political facets. We're open to items of a political bent, but please take extra care to be civil in both submissions and comments of a political nature. Please be advised that we will be watching for ugliness in submissions/comments of a political nature in an effort to prevent a descent into name-calling.
Thread Guidelines: Please try to keep personal vs. political comments/submissions in different threads, i.e. don't comment to rant about the politics of abortion on a thread begun by a submission from a Jane about HER abortion, or vice-versa. If a political piece about HPV vaccinations drives you to comment about your child's side-effects from same, please submit this so that we can publish it and therefore begin a new thread on side-effects and medical concerns while the first thread discusses the politics of same.
Can I Submit / Comment / Participate Anonymously?
Submissions can be made anonymously (see How do I Submit my Work to The Jane Project? above) either by using the web contact form or your own e-mail. If you'd like to use your own e-mail to submit, but would prefer we not publish your name, just tell us that. Many of our already-published submissions were traditionally e-mailed and published anonymously.
Including your contact information (but telling us not to use it if you don't want us to) is actually our slightly-preferred method for submissions/contact because if editing/clarification is required, we can contact you and work on the piece. Again, we give you our word we will not identify you in a post if you'd prefer not to be identified. In fact, each of the admins has posted anonymously herself. A large portion of the power of The Jane Project is the anonymity option.
We have established several different methods of submission/contact:
Completely Anonymous Submissions and Contact: Use the web-form on the left nav bar. The web form requires the user submit an e-mail address. Use our address, (jane.doe.admin[at]gmail.com), instead of yours, for complete anonymity, even from us, the admins. This contact/submission method gives us no way of knowing who you are or contacting you for editing/questions regarding submissions.
Pseudo-Anonymous Submissions and Contact: Use the web-form with your own e-mail address or the e-mail link on the left nav bar, or e-mail us directly (jane.doe.admin[at]gmail.com). This contact/submission method lets us, the admins, know who you are and contact you for editing/question purposes regarding your submission. If you do not want your identifying information published or want to publish pseudonymously, just tell us how you'd like it published. Many of our submissions have been submitted with identifying information but published without it.
Anonymous Commenting: We've received feedback that commenting anonymously is onerous because readers don't have/want Google IDs, etc. We think there may be some confusion on anonymous commenting because it's actually quite easy.
When the "Comments" link is clicked, a a pop-up window appears to type the comment. At the bottom of that window are 4 radio buttons: Google ID, OpenID, Name/URL, and Anonymous. Commenters wishing anonymity can just click the [Anonymous] radio button, type a captcha (avoids automated comment spam), and click [Publish Your Comment].
Please note that, if you are uncomfortable submitting or commenting, we encourage participation via suggestion/feedback (positive or negative, we want to hear it!). Please see Where Should I Submit Ideas and Feedback for The Jane Project? below.
Where Should I Submit Ideas and Feedback for The Jane Project?
You can contact us for any reason via either the web mail/e-mail links in in the left navigation bar on every page or manually typing our e-mail address (jane.doe.admin[at]gmail.com) into your web mail account or integrated e-mail client. We encourage all feedback (good or bad!) and any ideas you have for TJP, be they content, features, layout, technical, or anything else. Because you can use the web form, your contact can be anonymous, just input our e-mail address (jane.doe.admin[at]gmail.com) instead of yours for anonymity.