
We won't sell/give/trade your e-mail address to anyone.  Ever.

Could we be more clear on this?

Ways to Subscribe: 

    "Posts by Feed" Sampe Email from Google
    (click to enlarge)
  1. Posts By Email (left nav bar): Google's servers will send you an e-mail once per day if there is a new post on TJP.  Said e-mail will contain the entire post, an "Unsubscribe" link, and no advertising (at the date of this posting).  Google's servers administer this list, so we can't access it or edit it.  Click the "Unsubscribe" link in one of the e-mails to manage your subscription.

  3. Posts/Comments by Feed (left nav bar): Use these with your feed reader. You choose whether or not you want to see just the Posts or the Posts and Comments in your feed, and control your feed subscriptions in your feed reader.

    Feed URLs:

    RSS -
    Google Dynamic - (currently not working)

  5. Contact/Participate in TJP (left nav bar): When you e-mail us (either by form or e-mail client) submissions/suggestions/feedback, we add your address to one of two manually-administered email lists: Contributors or Supporters.  We will occasionally (once a month or less) broadcast a message to one or both of these groups.  Said emails will contain either a list of recent post topics.  Each email will also contain "Unsubscribe" details (in short, reply with "Remove" in the subject line), and we will remove your address from our list.

again . . .

We won't sell/give/trade your e-mail address to anyone.  Ever.