Introducing TJP Badges!

For those of you who would use such a thing, we have created simple badges for your use.  Just link them to the main TJP page!

Contributors: For those who have submitted or commented.
Supporters: For those who read, refer others, or blogroll us.
Janes: For those whose submissions have been posted on the front page.

Just in case you need to use them manually and your HTML-fu is not so good . . .

Manual image link HTML example, with border:

 <a href="" target="_blank"> 
 <img src="contributor.png"> </a>

Manual image link HTML example, without border:

 <a href="" target="_blank"> 
 <img src="contributor.png" border="0"> </a>

Soon enough we'll be adding these to the FAQ so that they're still easily findable once they've rolled off of the front page.

Thank you, dear Janes, for your support.  Whether that support takes the form of post ideas kicked our way, comments, submissions, or the occasional visit, we appreciate it!


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